Right design pattern to deal with polymorphic collections of objects(正确的设计模式来处理对象的多态集合)
class BaseObject {
virtual int getSomeCommonProperty();
class Object1: public BaseObject {
virtual int getSomeCommonProperty(); // optional
int getSomeSpecificProperty();
class BaseCollection {
virtual void someCommonTask();
class Collection1: public BaseCollection {
virtual void someCommonTask(); // optional
void someSpecificTask();
从 BaseCollection 派生的每个集合都处理特定的对象类型(并且只有一种类型).但是 BaseCollection 应该能够执行一些对所有对象都通用的任务,只使用 BaseObject 中的通用对象属性.
Each collection, derived from BaseCollection, deals with a specific object type (and only one type). But BaseCollection should be able to perform some tasks that are common to all objects, using only common object properties in BaseObject.
Currently, I have potentially three solutions in mind:
1) 将对象列表存储在BaseCollection中,如:
1) Store the objects list in BaseCollection, such as:
class BaseCollection {
vector<BaseObject*> objects;
这个解决方案的问题是,当我需要在Collection1中执行特定于对象的任务时,我需要一个dynamic_cast<>,因为我不想对特定属性使用虚拟继承,只适用于一种类型的对象.考虑到 dynamic_cast<> 可能每秒被调用数百万次,这对于性能关键型应用程序来说似乎是个问题.
The problem with this solution is that when I need to perform object-specific task in Collection1, I need a dynamic_cast<>, because I don't want to use virtual inherance for specific properties, applying to only one type of object. Considering that dynamic_cast<> could potentially get called millions of time per second, this seems an issue for a performance critical application.
2) 将对象列表存放在Collection1中,如:
2) Store the objects list in Collection1, such as:
class Collection1: public BaseCollection {
vector<Object1*> objects;
但是我需要一些方法来访问 BaseCollection 中的这个对象列表,以便能够对它们执行一些常见任务,最好是通过迭代器.我需要创建一个返回 BaseCollection 的向量的函数,但同样,这似乎不是很有效,因为这样做的唯一方法是创建一个新向量(可能包含数千个对象)...
But then I need some way to access this object list in BaseCollection, to be able to perform some common tasks on them, ideally through an iterator. I would need to create a function that return a vector for the BaseCollection, but again, this does not seem very efficient, because the only way to do that is to create a new vector (potentially containing thousands of objects)...
3) 将对象列表存储在 BaseCollection AND Collection1 中:
3) Store the objects list in BaseCollection AND Collection1:
class BaseCollection {
void someCommonTask(); // Use baseObjects
virtual void addObject() = 0;
vector<BaseObject*> baseObjects;
class Collection1: public BaseCollection {
vector<Object1*> objects;
virtual void addObject() {
Object1* obj = new Object1;
void someSpecificTask(); // Use objects, no need of dynamic_cast<>
Where the two lists actually contain the same objects. Is that as ugly as it sounds like?
我正在为此类问题寻找正确/正确/最佳的设计模式,而上面公开的 3 种解决方案中没有一个真正让我满意...
I am looking for the right/correct/best design pattern for this type of problem and none of the 3 solutions exposed above really satisfies me...
Maybe it is possible to solve that problem with templates, but then I don't see a way to store a list of polymorphic collections like this:
vector<BaseCollection*> collections;
我认为您应该选择选项 1,但改用静态转换.毕竟派生集合肯定知道成员变量的类型.
I think you should go for option 1 but use a static cast instead. After all the derived collection knows the type of the member variable for sure.
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