C++ 常量使用说明

C++ Const Usage Explanation(C++ 常量使用说明)

本文介绍了C++ 常量使用说明的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


const int* const Method3(const int* const&) const;

有人可以解释每个 const 的用法吗?

Can someone explain the usage of each of the const?




The final const means that the function Method3 does not modify the non mutable members of its class.

const int* const 表示指向常量int的常量指针:即不能改变的指针,指向不能改变的int:this和const int&的唯一区别; 是可以null

const int* const means a constant pointer to a constant int: i.e. a pointer that cannot be changed, to an int that cannot be changed: the only difference between this and const int& is that it can be null

const int* const& 表示对指向常量 int 的常量指针的引用.通常指针不是通过引用传递的;const int* & 更有意义,因为这意味着可以在方法调用期间更改指针,这是我可以看到通过引用传递指针 const 的唯一原因int* const& 在所有意图和目的上都与 const int* const 相同,只是它的效率可能较低,因为指针是普通旧数据 (POD) 类型,这些应该在一般按值传递.

const int* const& means a reference to a constant pointer to a constant int. Usually pointers are not passed by reference; const int* & makes more sense because it would mean that the pointer could be changed during the method call, which would be the only reason I can see to pass a pointer by reference, const int* const& is to all intents and purposes the same as const int* const except that it is probably less efficient as pointers are plain old data (POD) types and these should, in general be passed by value.

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