C++ 中的抽象语法树表示

Abstract Syntax Tree representation in C++(C++ 中的抽象语法树表示)

本文介绍了C++ 中的抽象语法树表示的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经有了创建标记列表的标记器接口.我有解析器的工作机制.它真的很独特,就像一个魅力.我唯一想念的是 AST 的基本结构.树、节点和语句应如何在抽象级别表示.我不需要任何实现,只需快速了解它在类层次结构中的外观如何?我正在研究一种面向对象的语言.是的,我已经意识到我需要两种类型的陈述.一些返回值的表达式"类型语句和一个不返回的指令流控制类型语句.非常感谢.

I already have the tokenizer interface which creates a list of tokens. I have the working mechanism for the parser. It's really unique and works like a charm. The only thing that i miss is the basic structure of the AST. How the tree, the nodes and the statements should be represented on abstraction level. I don't need any implementation only a quick idea how should it look like in class hierarchy? I'm working on an object-oriented language. Yeah, i already realized that i will need two types of statements. Some value returning "expression" type statement and a non-returning, instruction flow controlling type statement. Thank you very much.


如果你的语言是命令式/c-like,常见的场景是从顶层结构被分成 2 个超类型开始:

If your language is imperative/c-like, the common scenario begins with top-hierarchy being split in 2 supertypes:

  • 表达式
  • 声明


The program is a list of statement, which is a statement itself.


You will probably want to have one class for type of statement that extends the statement base class.


A typical scenario looks like:

  • 语句块(语句列表)
  • ite (if then else)
  • for(一个 for 循环及其初始化语句列表、检查表达式、增量语句和块
  • while(类似,但只检查表达式
  • 变量声明
  • 赋值(包括 += -= ++ --,您可以使用运算符字段、lval 和 rval 将所有内容包装在一个类中)
  • 函数调用(空一)


  • Bop(二元运算,任何有 2 个操作数和 1 个运算符,即 + - */% | & && || == <
  • Uop(一元运算,任何有 1 个操作数和 1 个运算符,即 ~ !)
  • 函数调用(非空函数)
  • 条件表达式(exp ? true val : false val)

拥有这 2 个抽象(表达式和语句)的好处是,在您的所有类中,您将拥有抽象类型,并且将能够使用访问者模式访问 AST.

The good thing of having this 2 abstractions (expressions and statements) is that inside all your classes, you will have abstract types, and will be able to visit the AST with the visitor pattern, for example.


For example, some classes would look like this (pseudocode):

class Ite extends Statement {
   Expression condition;
   Statement ifBranch;
   Statement elseBranch;

class Bop extends Expression {
   BOperator operator;  // +, -. * or whatever
   Expression left;     // Left operand
   Expression right;    // Right operand

class StatementBlock extends Statement {
   List<Statement> statements;

class Assignment extends Statement {
   AOperator assignOp;  // = += -= etc.
   LVal lvalue;         // The lvalue cannot be an arbitrary expression, you will usually have a specific type for it
   Expression rvalue;   // Right value

此外,您还需要某种方式来表示类型(对于 AST,仅静态类型就足够了,如果您的项目还需要实现一些后端,那么您还需要一些动态类型).

Also, you will need some way to represent types (for the AST, just static types are enough, if you project to implement some back-end as well, you will need some dynamic types too).


Static types can usually be specified with some enumerations, if you don't plan to support fixed-size arrays which need a size information. If you want fixed-size arrays with, size, you can implement one class for type and have the array type hold additional size information.

enum Type {

class Float extends StaticType {
    final Type type = Type.FLOAT;

class Array extends StaticArray {
    final Type type = Type.ARRAY;

    int size;

然后,您将为 AST 中的每种类型实例化一个 StaticType 实例,例如当用户声明一个变量时.如果您计划在将来进行静态类型检查,您也可以使用相同的层次结构.

You will then instantiate one StaticType instance for every type in the AST, for example when the user declares a variable. You will be able to use the same hierarchy if you plan to do static type-checking in the future, also.

至于以 AST 形式运行/解释代码,您将需要一个 Memory 来保存包含有关运行时内存信息的堆栈/堆.此时,您需要将值与其类型信息一起存储.

As for running/interpreting the code in the AST form, you will need a Memory which will hold a stack/heap containing information about runtime memory. At that point you will need to store values together with their type information.

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本文标题为:C++ 中的抽象语法树表示