
How to load a png resource into picture control on a dialog box?(如何将png资源加载到对话框上的图片控件中?)



我在 OnInitDialog() 上尝试了以下代码,但没有显示任何内容.

I tried the following code on OnInitDialog() but nothing was shown.

m_staticLogo.SetBitmap(::LoadBitmap(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_LOGO)));


where m_staticLogo is the static picture control and IDB_LOGO is the resource ID of the png file.


如您所见,::LoadBitmap(以及更新的 ::LoadImage)只处理与 .bmps.到目前为止,最简单的解决方案是将您的图像转换为 .bmp.

As you’ve discovered, ::LoadBitmap (and the newer ::LoadImage) only deal with .bmps. By far the easiest solution is to convert your image to a .bmp.

如果图片有透明度,可以转换成32位ARGB位图(这里有个工具叫AlphaConv 可以转换它).然后使用 CImage 类的 LoadFromResource 方法加载图像.将 CImage 传递给 m_staticLogo.SetBitmap().

If the image has transparency, it can be converted into a 32-bit ARGB bitmap (here is a tool called AlphaConv that can convert it). Then load the image using the CImage class LoadFromResource method. Pass the CImage to m_staticLogo.SetBitmap().


But if you really need it to be a .png, it can be done.

方法1(更简单的方法):使用CImage::Load从文件中加载.png.将 CImage 传递给 m_staticLogo.SetBitmap().

Method 1 (the easier way): Load the .png from a file using CImage::Load. Pass the CImage to m_staticLogo.SetBitmap().

方法 2(更难的方法): 通过将资源加载到 COM IStream 并使用 .png 从资源中加载代码>CImage::加载.(注意:CImage::LoadFromResource 看起来很诱人,但不适用于 .png 图形).要将资源放入 COM IStream,请参阅 此 Codeproject文章.请注意本文适用于 Gdiplus::Bitmap 但关键部分是如何创建 IStream,您应该能够适应 CImage.最后,将 CImage 传递给 m_staticLogo.SetBitmap().

Method 2 (the harder way): Load the .png from a resource by loading the resource into a COM IStream and using CImage::Load. (NOTE: CImage::LoadFromResource looks tempting but will not work with a .png graphic). To get the resource into a COM IStream, see this Codeproject article. Note the article works with Gdiplus::Bitmap but the key part is how to create the IStream, which you should be able to adapt for CImage. Finally, pass the CImage to m_staticLogo.SetBitmap().


Updated to use CImage, which is easier than Gdiplus::Bitmap.

