将 BSTR 转换为 char*

Convert BSTR to char*(将 BSTR 转换为 char*)

本文介绍了将 BSTR 转换为 char*的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有人知道如何将 BSTR 转换为 char* 吗?

Anyone know how to convert BSTR to char* ?


Update: I tried to do this, but don't know if it is right or wrong.

char *p= _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(URL->bstrVal);
strcpy(testDest,p );


你的代码没问题.ConvertBSTRToString 确实只是.至于 strcpytestDest 需要足够大以容纳 p 指向的字符串.请注意,由于 ConvertBSTRToString 分配了一个新字符串,因此您需要在后面的某个地方释放它.完成后,请确保您这样做:

Your code is okay. ConvertBSTRToString does just that. As for the strcpy, testDest needs to be large enough to hold the string pointed to by p. Note that since ConvertBSTRToString allocates a new string you will need to free it somewhere down the line. Once you are done make sure you do:

delete[] p; 

尽管有一些注意事项(正如您从 BSTR MSDN 上的文档):

A couple of caveats though (as you can see from BSTR documentation on MSDN):

  • 在 Microsoft Windows 上,由一串 Unicode 字符(宽或双字节字符).
  • 可能包含多个嵌入的空字符.

因此,您的 strcpy 可能不会总是按预期工作.

So, your strcpy may not always work as expected.

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本文标题为:将 BSTR 转换为 char*