在 C++ 中初始化对象的不同方法

Different ways of initializing an object in c++(在 C++ 中初始化对象的不同方法)

本文介绍了在 C++ 中初始化对象的不同方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



class Entity {
    int x, y;
    Entity() : x(0), y(0) { }
    Entity(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) { }


And here are multiple ways of initializing the class with what I think I know:

Entity ent1;                //Uses the default constructor, so x=0 and y=0
Entity ent2();              //Uses the default constructor, so x=0 and y=0 (Not sure)
Entity ent3(1, 2);          //Made constructor, so x=1 and y=2
Entity ent4 = Entity();     //Default constructor, so x=0 and y=0
Entity ent5 = Entity(2, 3); //Made constructor, so x=2 and y=3


I know that's it's possible to make an object on the heap memory, but that's not what I am looking for at this moment.


My question is, what's the difference between these ways of initializing an object?


I'm not sure which one I should use when.


Entity ent1;


The statement above uses default constructor of class Entity.

Entity ent2();

如果可能的话,上面的声明将被编译器视为函数原型.它被称为 most vexing parse (MVP) 的案例,它的存在导致出现误导性的聪明的愚蠢规则":永远不要使用括号".

The declaration above will be treated by compiler as a function prototype if that's possible. It's known as a case of most vexing parse (MVP) and its existence led to appearance of misleading "clever dumb rule": "never use parenthesis".

在这样的语句中,为 ent3 调用用户定义的构造函数:

In statement like this a user-defined constructor is invoked for ent3:

Entity ent3(1, 2);

MVP 可以罢工的另一种情况是这样的:

Another case where MVP can strike is something like this:

Entity ent3_1(int(a), int(b));  // It's not what it looks like.


ent3_1 不是变量.该语句声明了一个带有两个 int 参数的函数.int(a)int a 相同是 C 语言和声明语法的遗留.

ent3_1 above is not a variable. The statement declares a function with two int parameters. int(a) being same as int a is legacy of C language and declaration syntax there.

Entity ent4 = Entity();

ent4proper 版本的 ent2 案例,直到 C++11.默认构造函数作为值初始化的一部分被调用.它的形式允许避免使 ent2ent3_1 不正确的歧义求解原则.这里的等号不是赋值,因为这里不会发生 operator= 调用.它是声明语法的一部分,用于标记初始化表达式.

ent4 is a proper version of ent2 case until C++11. Default constructor is invoked as part of value initialization. Its form allows to avoid an ambiguity solving principle which makes ent2 and ent3_1 incorrect. Equal sign here is not an assignment, for no operator= call will happen here. It's part of declaration syntax meant to markup the initialization expression.

Entity ent5 = Entity(2, 3);

ent5 是 ent3 case 的一个版本.作为值初始化的一部分调用的用户定义的构造函数.

ent5 is a version of ent3 case. User-defined constructor invoked as part of value initialization.


Your question is tagged as C++11, and C++11 allows uniform initialization syntax:

Entity ent12{};     // This is a legal alternative of ent2 case
Entity ent13{1, 2}; // A call to constructor or member initialization
Entity ent13{ int(a), int(b) }; // Not a function anymore
Entity ent14 = {};              // Not an assignment
Entity ent15 = Entity{2, 3};    // Not an assignment either!


Note that uniform initialization syntax has a caveat. E.g. this line

std::vector<int> v(10); 

声明一个包含 10 个元素的向量.但是这个

declares a vector of 10 elements. But this one

std::vector<int> v{10};

声明一个向量初始化为 int 类型的单个元素,值为 10.发生这种情况是因为 std::vector 具有定义了以下签名的构造函数:

declares a vector initialized with single element of type int with value 10. This happens because std::vector has a constructor with following signature defined:

vector( std::initializer_list<T> init, const Allocator& alloc = Allocator() );

如果您不能在不触发 MVP 的情况下使用 () 或在不调用不需要的构造函数的情况下使用 {},则值初始化赋值语法可以解决此问题.

In case that you can't use neither () without triggering MVP nor {} without invoking undesired constructor, the value initialization assignment syntax allows to resolve the issue.

附录:必看 CppCon 2018:Nicolai Josuttis C++ 初始化的噩梦"

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本文标题为:在 C++ 中初始化对象的不同方法