c++ Vector, what happens whenever it expands/reallocate on stack?(c++ Vector,每当它在堆栈上扩展/重新分配时会发生什么?)
我是 C++ 的新手,我在我的项目中使用了 vector 类.我发现它非常有用,因为我可以有一个在需要时自动重新分配的数组(即,如果我想 push_back 一个项目并且向量已经达到它的最大容量,它会重新分配自己向操作系统请求更多的内存空间),所以访问向量的元素非常快(它不像列表,要到达第 n"个元素,我必须通过n"个第一个元素).
I'm new to C++ and I'm using the vector class on my project. I found it quite useful because I can have an array that automatically reallocates whenever it is necessary (ie, if I want to push_back an item and the vector has reached it's maximum capacity, it reallocates itself asking more memory space to the OS), so access to an element of the vector is very quick (it's not like a list, that to reach the "n-th" element I must go through the "n" first elements).
我发现这个问题非常有用,因为他们的回答解释了当我想将向量存储在堆/堆栈上时,内存分配器" 是如何工作的:
I found this question very useful, because their answers explained perfectly how the "memory allocator" works when I want to store my vector on the heap/stack:
[1] vector<Type> vect;
[2] vector<Type> *vect = new vector<Type>;
[3] vector<Type*> vect;
然而,一个疑问困扰了我一段时间,我找不到答案:每当我构建一个向量并开始推入很多项时,它都会达到向量已满的时刻,因此要继续增长,它需要重新分配,将自身复制到新位置并然后继续push_back items(显然,这个重新分配隐藏在类的实现中,所以它对我完全透明)
However, a doubt is bugging me for a while, and I can't find its answer: Whenever I construct a vector and begin pushing a lot of items in, it would reach a moment when the vector would be full, so to continue growing it would need to reallocate, copy itself to a new location and then continue pushing_back items (obviously, this reallocation it's hidden on the implementation of the class, so it is completely transparent to me)
好吧,如果我在堆上创建了向量 [2],我可以轻松想象可能发生的事情:类向量调用 malloc,获取新空间,然后将自身复制到新内存中,最后删除旧内存免费拨打.
Fine, if I have created the vector on the heap [2], I have no troubles imagining what may be happening: class vector calls malloc, acquires new space and then copy itself into the new memory and finally deletes the old memory calling free.
然而,当我在堆栈上构造一个向量时,面纱隐藏了正在发生的事情[1]:当向量必须重新分配时会发生什么?AFAIK,每当您在 C/C++ 上输入一个新函数时,计算机都会查看变量的声明,然后扩展堆栈以获得放置这些变量的必要空间,但您无法分配当函数已经运行时,堆栈上有更多空间.类向量是如何解决这个问题的?
However, a veil hides what is happening when I construct a vector on the stack [1]: What does it happens when the vector must reallocate? AFAIK, whenever on C/C++ you enter a new function, the computer would look at the declaration of variables and then expand the stack to get the necessary space to put these variables, but you can't allocate more space on the stack when the function is already running. How does the class vector solve this problem?
[...] 将自身复制到新位置 [...]
[...] copy itself to a new location [...]
which is not the way a vector works. The vector data is copied to a new location, not the vector itself.
My answer should give you an idea of how a vector is designed.
Note: The std::allocator
is actually likely to be an empty class and std::vector
will probably not contain an instance of this class. This may not be true for an arbitrary allocator.
In most implementations it consists of three pointers where
指向向量数据最后一个元素之后的一个内存位置->size() == end-begin
指向超过向量内存最后一个元素的内存位置 ->capacity() == capacity-begin
points to the start of the data memory of the vector on the heap (always on the heap if notnullptr
points one memory location past the last element of the vector data ->size() == end-begin
points on memory location past the last element of the vector memory ->capacity() == capacity-begin
我们声明一个 std::vector
类型的变量,其中 T
是分配器类型对于 T
(即 std::allocator
We declare a variable of type std::vector<T,A>
where T
is any type and A
is an allocator type for T
(i.e. std::allocator<T>
std::vector<T, A> vect1;
How does this look like in memory?
如我们所见:堆上什么都没有发生,但变量占用了堆栈上所有成员所需的内存.它就在那里,它会一直留在那里直到 vect1
超出范围,因为 vect1
只是一个对象,就像任何其他 double
As we see: Nothing happens on the heap but the variable occupies the memory that is necessary for all of its members on the stack.
There it is and it will stay there until vect1
goes out of scope, since vect1
is just an object like any other object of type double
, int
or whatever. It will sit there on its stack position and wait to get destroyed, regardless of how much memory it handles itself on the heap.
The pointers of vect1
do not point anywhere, since the vector is empty.
Now we need a pointer to a vector and use some dynamic heap allocation to create the vector.
std::vector<T, A> * vp = new std::vector<T, A>;
我们的 vp 变量在堆栈上,我们的向量现在在堆上.同样,向量本身不会在堆上移动,因为它的大小是恒定的.如果发生重新分配,只有指针(begin
We have our vp variable on the stack and our vector is on the heap now. Again the vector itself will not move on the heap since its size is constant. Only the pointers (begin
, end
, capacity
) will move to follow the data position in memory if a reallocation takes place. Let's have a look at that.
Now we can start pushing elements to a vector. Let's look at vect1
T a;
变量 vect1
仍然在原来的位置,但堆上的内存被分配为包含 T
The variable vect1
is still where it has been but memory on the heap was allocated to contain one element of T
What happens if we add one further element?
- 在堆上为数据元素分配的空间将不够(因为它只有一个内存位置).
- 将为两个元素分配一个新的内存块
- 第一个元素将被复制/移动到新存储.
- 旧内存将被释放.
We see: The new memory location is different.
To have additional insight let's look at the situation if we destroy the last element.
The memory allocated won't change but the last element will have its destructor called and the end pointer moves one position down.
如您所见:capacity() == capacity-begin == 2
而 size() == end-begin == 1
这篇关于c++ Vector,每当它在堆栈上扩展/重新分配时会发生什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:c++ Vector,每当它在堆栈上扩展/重新分配时会发生什么?

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