Sort a vector of pairs by first element then by second element of the pair in C++?(在 C++ 中,按第一个元素然后按第二个元素对成对向量进行排序?)
如果我有一个 vector
数据类型,如果第一个元素相等,按对的第一个元素排序,然后按第二个元素排序的可接受方法是什么?例如可能 (1,10), (3,3), (7,13), (7,16), (8,1), (8,2), (15,2) 等
If I have a vector<pair<int,int> >
datatype, what is the accepted way to sort it by the first element of the pair and then by second if the firsts are equal? For instance maybe (1,10), (3,3), (7,13), (7,16), (8,1), (8,2), (15,2) etc.
s 默认按第一个元素比较,然后是第二个.因此,如果您不关心在第一个元素比较相等时保留顺序,那么您可以使用 std::sort
s by default compare by first element, then second. So, if you don't care about preserving the order when the first elements compare equal, then you can just use std::sort
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
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本文标题为:在 C++ 中,按第一个元素然后按第二个元素对成对向量进行排序?

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