在 C++ 中转换为 bool 对性能有什么影响?

What is the performance implication of converting to bool in C++?(在 C++ 中转换为 bool 对性能有什么影响?)

本文介绍了在 C++ 中转换为 bool 对性能有什么影响?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我的编译器警告将某些类型隐式转换或强制转换为 bool 而显式转换不会产生警告:

My compiler warns about implicitly converting or casting certain types to bool whereas explicit conversions do not produce a warning:

long t = 0;
bool b = false;
b = t;                    // performance warning: forcing long to bool
b = (bool)t;              // performance warning
b = bool(t);              // performance warning
b = static_cast<bool>(t); // performance warning
b = t ? true : false;     // ok, no warning
b = t != 0;               // ok
b = !!t;                  // ok

这是使用 Visual C++ 2008 但我怀疑其他编译器可能有类似的警告.

This is with Visual C++ 2008 but I suspect other compilers may have similar warnings.

所以我的问题是:强制转换/转换为 bool 的性能影响是什么?在某些情况下(例如,对于某些目标架构或处理器),显式转换是否具有更好的性能?隐式转换是否会以某种方式混淆优化器?

So my question is: what is the performance implication of casting/converting to bool? Does explicit conversion have better performance in some circumstance (e.g., for certain target architectures or processors)? Does implicit conversion somehow confuse the optimizer?

Microsoft 对其警告的解释并不是特别有用.他们暗示有一个很好的理由,但他们没有解释.

Microsoft's explanation of their warning is not particularly helpful. They imply that there is a good reason but they don't explain it.



I was puzzled by this behaviour, until I found this link:


显然,来自拥有"此警告的 Microsoft 开发人员:

Apparently, coming from the Microsoft Developer who "owns" this warning:


This warning is surprisingly helpful, and found a bug in my code just yesterday. I think Martin is taking "performance warning" out of context.

这与生成的代码无关,这是关于是否程序员已表示有意将值从 int 更改为 bool.对此有处罚,并且用户可以选择使用int"而不是始终如一地布尔"(或反之亦然)以避免布尔化"代码生成器.[...]

It's not about the generated code, it's about whether or not the programmer has signalled an intent to change a value from int to bool. There is a penalty for that, and the user has the choice to use "int" instead of "bool" consistently (or more likely vice versa) to avoid the "boolifying" codegen. [...]



So it seems to me the warning is more about style and avoiding some mistakes than anything else.


Hope this will answer your question...


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本文标题为:在 C++ 中转换为 bool 对性能有什么影响?