std::remove_if - lambda,不从集合中删除任何内容

std::remove_if - lambda, not removing anything from the collection(std::remove_if - lambda,不从集合中删除任何内容)

本文介绍了std::remove_if - lambda,不从集合中删除任何内容的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


好吧,我想我在这里犯了一个愚蠢的错误.我有一个 DisplayDevice3d 列表,每个 DisplayDevice3d 都包含一个 DisplayMode3d 列表.我想从 DisplayDevice3d 列表中删除所有没有任何 DisplayMode3d 的项目.我正在尝试使用 Lambda 来做到这一点,即:

Ok, I expect I've made a dumb mistake here. I have a list of DisplayDevice3d and each DisplayDevice3d contains a list of DisplayMode3d. I want to remove all items from the list of DisplayDevice3d that don't have any DisplayMode3d's. I'm trying to use a Lambda to do it, ie.:

    // If the device doesn't have any modes, remove it.

  std::remove_if(MyDisplayDevices.begin(), MyDisplayDevices.end(),
   [](DisplayDevice3d& device) 
    return device.Modes.size() == 0; 

即使在 MyDisplayDevices 中的 6 个 DisplayMode3d 中,只有 1 个在其 Modes 集合中有任何 DisplayMode3d,但没有从列表中删除任何内容.

Even though out of 6 DisplayMode3d's in MyDisplayDevices, only 1 has any DisplayMode3d's in its Modes collection, nothing is being removed from the list.


What numpty mistake have I made here?

好吧,我的错误是我应该使用 MyDisplayDevices.remove_if 而不是 std::remove_if,但是下面的答案对于使用 std::remove_if :p 是正确的.

Ah ok, my mistake was I should be using MyDisplayDevices.remove_if instead of std::remove_if, however the answers below are correct for use of std::remove_if :p.

MyDisplayDevices.remove_if( [](DisplayDevice3d const & device) 
                                return device.Modes.size() == 0; 


你需要对 remove_if 返回的迭代器调用erase,它应该是这样的:

You need to call erase on the iterator returned from remove_if, It should look something like this:

auto new_end = std::remove_if(MyDisplayDevices.begin(), MyDisplayDevices.end(),
                              [](const DisplayDevice3d& device)
                              { return device.Modes.size() == 0; });

MyDisplayDevices.erase(new_end, MyDisplayDevices.end());

这篇关于std::remove_if - lambda,不从集合中删除任何内容的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:std::remove_if - lambda,不从集合中删除任何内容