是 boost shared_ptr <XXX>线程安全?

Is boost shared_ptr lt;XXXgt; thread safe?(是 boost shared_ptr lt;XXXgt;线程安全?)

本文介绍了是 boost shared_ptr <XXX>线程安全?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个关于 boost::shared_ptr 的问题.

I have a question about boost::shared_ptr<T>.


using namespace boost;

class CResource
  // xxxxxx

class CResourceBase
   void SetResource(shared_ptr<CResource> res)
     m_Res = res;

   shared_ptr<CResource> GetResource()
      return m_Res;
   shared_ptr<CResource> m_Res;

CResourceBase base;

// Thread_A:
    while (true)
       shared_ptr<CResource> nowResource = base.GetResource();

// Thread_B:
    shared_ptr<CResource> nowResource;




If Thread_A do not care the nowResource is the newest, will this part of code have problem?


I mean when Thread_B do not SetResource() completely, Thread_A get a wrong smart point by GetResource()?


如果不关心资源是不是最新的,shared_ptr会不会是最新的?nowResourcenowResource 被释放时会导致程序崩溃还是会破坏 shared_ptr?

If I do not care about whether the resource is newest, will the shared_ptr<CResource> nowResource crash the program when the nowResource is released or will the problem destroy the shared_ptr<CResource>?


来自 boost 文档:

shared_ptr 对象提供相同的内置线程安全级别类型.shared_ptr 实例可以是读取"(仅使用 const 访问操作)同时由多个线程.不同 shared_ptr实例可以写入"(使用可变操作访问例如 operator= 或 reset)同时由多个线程(即使这些实例是副本,并共享相同的引用计数在下面.)

shared_ptr objects offer the same level of thread safety as built-in types. A shared_ptr instance can be "read" (accessed using only const operations) simultaneously by multiple threads. Different shared_ptr instances can be "written to" (accessed using mutable operations such as operator= or reset) simultaneously by multiple threads (even when these instances are copies, and share the same reference count underneath.)


Any other simultaneous accesses result in undefined behavior.

所以你的使用是不安全的,因为它使用了m_res的同时读写.boost 文档中的示例 3 也说明了这一点.

So your usage is not safe, since it uses simultaneous read and write of m_res. Example 3 in the boost documentation also illustrates this.

您应该使用单独的 mutex 保护对 SetResource/GetResource 中的 m_res 的访问.

You should use a separate mutex that guards the access to m_res in SetResource/GetResource.

这篇关于是 boost shared_ptr &lt;XXX&gt;线程安全?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:是 boost shared_ptr &lt;XXX&gt;线程安全?