Boost.Python call by reference : TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type:(Boost.Python call by reference:TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type:)
我正在尝试使用 Boost.Python 将我的 C++ 类公开给 Python.这是我正在尝试做的事情的简化版本:
I'm trying to expose my C++ Classes to Python using Boost.Python. Here is a simplyfied version of what i'm trying to do:
我有一个从 boost::noncopyable 派生的类 A 和第二个类 B,其方法将 A 的引用作为参数.
I have a class A deriving from boost::noncopyable and a second class B with a method that takes a reference to A as an argument.
class A : boost::noncopyable { /*...*/ };
class B {
virtual void do_something(A& a) {
/* Wrapper for B, so B can be extended in python */
struct BWrap : public B, wrapper<B> {
void do_something(A &a) {
if (override do_something = this->get_override("do_something")) {
else {
void default_do_something(A& a) { this->B::do_something(a); }
class_<A, boost::noncopyable>("A");
class_<BWrap, boost::noncopyable>("B")
.def("do_something", &B::do_something, &BWrap::default_do_something)
我在 python 中扩展 B 是这样的:
I extend B in python like this:
import SomeModule
class BDerived(SomeModule.B):
def do_something(self, a):
并像这样调用扩展的 B:
and call the extended B like this:
try {
py::object main = py::import("__main__");
py::object global(main.attr("__dict__"));
py::object result = py::exec_file("", global, global);
py::object pluginClass = global["BDerived"];
py::object plugin_base = pluginClass();
B& plugin = py::extract<B&>(plugin_base) BOOST_EXTRACT_WORKAROUND;
A a;
catch (py::error_already_set) {
However this results in an error message:
TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: A
如果 A
不是从 boost::noncopyable
派生的,则代码运行没有任何错误,但是 do_something(A& a)
中的参数 acode> 在函数调用期间被复制,即使它是通过引用传入的.但是仅仅删除 A
If A
isn't derived from boost::noncopyable
the code runs without any errors but the argument a in do_something(A& a)
gets copied during the function call even though it's passed in by reference. But just removing the noncopyable requirement on A
isn't an option since it's there for a reason.
Any suggestions how to solve the problem?
将 B.do_something(a);
更改为 B.do_something(boost::ref(a));代码>.
参见 调用 Python 函数和方法 在 boost 手册中.
See Calling Python Functions and Methods in the boost manual.
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本文标题为:Boost.Python call by reference:TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type:

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