为什么在 C++ 中存在从指针到 bool 的隐式类型转换?

Why is there an implicit type conversion from pointers to bool in C++?(为什么在 C++ 中存在从指针到 bool 的隐式类型转换?)

本文介绍了为什么在 C++ 中存在从指针到 bool 的隐式类型转换?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


考虑类 foo 有两个这样定义的构造函数:

Consider the class foo with two constructors defined like this:

class foo
    foo(const std::string& filename) {std::cout << "ctor 1" << std::endl;}
    foo(const bool some_flag = false) {std::cout << "ctor 2" << std::endl;}


Instantiate the class with a string literal, and guess which constructor is called?

foo a ("/path/to/file");


构造函数 2


I don't know about you, but I don't find that the most intuitive behavior in programming history. I bet there is some clever reason for it, though, and I'd like to know what that might be?


在 C 中写这个很常见

It's very common in C to write this

void f(T* ptr) {
    if (ptr) {
        // ptr is not NULL

你应该创建一个 const char* 构造函数.

You should make a const char* constructor.

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本文标题为:为什么在 C++ 中存在从指针到 bool 的隐式类型转换?