How to avoid data race with `asio::ip::tcp::iostream`?(如何使用`asio::ip::tcp::iostream`避免数据竞争?)
在使用两个线程通过 asio::ip::tcp::iostream
How do I avoid a data race when using two threads to send and receive over an asio::ip::tcp::iostream
我正在编写一个使用 asio::ip::tcp::iostream
进行输入和输出的程序.该程序通过端口 5555 接受来自(远程)用户的命令,并通过相同的 TCP 连接向用户发送消息.因为这些事件(从用户接收的命令或发送给用户的消息)是异步发生的,所以我有单独的发送和接收线程.
I am writing a program that uses an asio::ip::tcp::iostream
for input and output. The program accepts commands from the (remote) user over port 5555 and sends messages over that same TCP connection to the user. Because these events (commands received from the user or messages sent to the user) occur asynchronously, I have separate transmit and receive threads.
在这个玩具版本中,命令是一"、二"和退出".当然退出"退出程序.其他命令什么都不做,任何无法识别的命令都会导致服务器关闭 TCP 连接.
In this toy version, the commands are "one", "two" and "quit". Of course "quit" quits the program. The other commands do nothing, and any unrecognized command causes the server to close the TCP connection.
The transmitted messages are simple serial-numbered messages that are are sent once per second.
在这个玩具版本和我尝试编写的真实代码中,发送和接收过程都使用阻塞 IO,因此似乎不是使用 std 的好方法:互斥
In both this toy version and the real code I'm trying to write, the transmit and receive processes are both using blocking IO, so there doesn't appear to be a good way to use a std::mutex
or other synchronization mechanism. (In my attempts, one process would grab the mutex and then block, which isn't going to work for this.)
为了构建和测试这个,我在 64 位 Linux 机器上使用 gcc 版本 7.2.1 和 valgrind 3.13.构建:
To build and test this, I'm using gcc version 7.2.1 and valgrind 3.13 on a 64-bit Linux machine. Build:
g++ -DASIO_STANDALONE -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c++14 concurrent.cpp -o concurrent -lpthread
To test, I run the server with this command:
valgrind --tool=helgrind --log-file=helgrind.txt ./concurrent
然后我在另一个窗口中使用 telnet 5555
正确指出的是存在数据竞争,因为 runTx
和 runRx
Then I use telnet 5555
in another window to create a connection to the server. What helgrind
correctly points out is that there is a data race because both runTx
and runRx
are trying to access the same stream asynchronously:
==16188== 线程 #1 在 0x1FFEFFF1CC 处读取大小为 1 期间可能发生数据争用
==16188== Possible data race during read of size 1 at 0x1FFEFFF1CC by thread #1
==16188== 持有的锁:无
==16188== Locks held: none
#include <asio.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <thread>
#include <array>
#include <chrono>
class Console {
Console() :
bool getQuitValue() const { return want_quit; }
int run(std::istream *in, std::ostream *out);
bool wantReset() const { return want_reset; }
int runTx(std::istream *in);
int runRx(std::ostream *out);
bool want_quit;
bool want_reset;
int Console::runTx(std::istream *in) {
static const std::array<std::string, 3> cmds{
"quit", "one", "two",
std::string command;
while (!want_quit && !want_reset && *in >> command) {
if (command == cmds.front()) {
want_quit = true;
if (std::find(cmds.cbegin(), cmds.cend(), command) == cmds.cend()) {
want_reset = true;
std::cout << "unknown command [" << command << "]
} else {
std::cout << command << '
return 0;
int Console::runRx(std::ostream *out) {
for (int i=0; !(want_reset || want_quit); ++i) {
(*out) << "This is message number " << i << '
return 0;
int Console::run(std::istream *in, std::ostream *out) {
want_reset = false;
std::thread t1{&Console::runRx, this, out};
int status = runTx(in);
return status;
int main()
Console con;
asio::io_service ios;
// IPv4 address, port 5555
asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(ios,
asio::ip::tcp::endpoint{asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 5555});
while (!con.getQuitValue()) {
asio::ip::tcp::iostream stream;
acceptor.accept(*stream.rdbuf());, &stream);
if (con.wantReset()) {
std::cout << "resetting
Yeah, you're sharing the socket that underlies the stream, without synchronization
Sidenote, same with the boolean flags, which can easily be "fixed" by changing:
std::atomic_bool want_quit;
std::atomic_bool want_reset;
How To Solve
To be honest, I don't think there is a good solution. You said it yourself: the operations are asynchronous, so you'll be in trouble if you try to do them synchronously.
你可以试着想想黑客.如果我们基于相同的底层套接字(文件描述符)创建一个单独的流对象会怎样.这不会非常容易,因为这样的流不是 Asio 的一部分.
You could try to think of hacks. What if we created a separate stream object based on the same underlying socket (filedescriptor). It's not going to be very easy as such a stream is not part of Asio.
但我们可以使用 Boost Iostreams 来破解:
But we could hack one up using Boost Iostreams:
#include <boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
// .... later:
// HACK: procure a _separate `ostream` to prevent the race, using the same fd
namespace bio = boost::iostreams;
bio::file_descriptor_sink fds(stream.rdbuf()->native_handle(), false); // close_on_exit flag is deprecated
bio::stream<bio::file_descriptor_sink> hack_ostream(fds);, hack_ostream);
确实可以在没有竞争的情况下运行(在同一个套接字上同时读取和写入 没问题,只要你不共享包装它们的非线程安全的 Asio 对象.
Indeed this runs without the race (simultaneous reads and writes on the same socket are fine, as long as you don't share the non-threadsafe Asio object(s) wrapping them).
Don't do that. It's a kludge. You're complicating things, apparently in an attempt to avoid using asynchronous code. I'd bite the bullet.
从服务逻辑中分离出 IO 机制并没有太多工作.您最终将摆脱随机限制(您可以考虑与多个客户端打交道,您可以在没有任何线程 等情况下进行处理).
It's not too much work to factor the IO mechanics out from the service logic. You'll end up being free from random limitations (you could consider dealing with multiple clients, you could do without any threading at all etc.).
If you would like to learn about some middle ground, look at stackful coroutines (
注意我进行了重构以消除对指针的需要.您不会转让所有权,因此参考即可.如果您不知道如何将引用传递给 bind
构造函数,诀窍在于 std::ref代码>你会看到.
Note I refactored to remove the need for pointers. You're not transferring ownership, so a reference will do. In case you didn't know how to pass the reference to a
constructor, the trick is in thestd::ref
you'll see.
[For stress testing I have greatly reduced the delays.]
生活在 Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <thread>
#include <array>
#include <chrono>
class Console {
Console() :
bool getQuitValue() const { return want_quit; }
int run(std::istream &in, std::ostream &out);
bool wantReset() const { return want_reset; }
int runTx(std::istream &in);
int runRx(std::ostream &out);
std::atomic_bool want_quit;
std::atomic_bool want_reset;
int Console::runTx(std::istream &in) {
static const std::array<std::string, 3> cmds{
{"quit", "one", "two"},
std::string command;
while (!want_quit && !want_reset && in >> command) {
if (command == cmds.front()) {
want_quit = true;
if (std::find(cmds.cbegin(), cmds.cend(), command) == cmds.cend()) {
want_reset = true;
std::cout << "unknown command [" << command << "]
} else {
std::cout << command << '
return 0;
int Console::runRx(std::ostream &out) {
for (int i=0; !(want_reset || want_quit); ++i) {
out << "This is message number " << i << '
return 0;
int Console::run(std::istream &in, std::ostream &out) {
want_reset = false;
std::thread t1{&Console::runRx, this, std::ref(out)};
int status = runTx(in);
return status;
#include <boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
int main()
Console con;
boost::asio::io_service ios;
// IPv4 address, port 5555
boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(ios, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint{boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 5555});
while (!con.getQuitValue()) {
boost::asio::ip::tcp::iostream stream;
// HACK: procure a _separate `ostream` to prevent the race, using the same fd
namespace bio = boost::iostreams;
bio::file_descriptor_sink fds(stream.rdbuf()->native_handle(), false); // close_on_exit flag is deprecated
bio::stream<bio::file_descriptor_sink> hack_ostream(fds);, hack_ostream);
if (con.wantReset()) {
std::cout << "resetting
netcat localhost 5555 <<<quit
This is message number 0
This is message number 1
This is message number 2
commands=( one two one two one two one two one two one two one two three )
while sleep 0.1; do echo ${commands[$(($RANDOM%${#commands}))]}; done | (while netcat localhost 5555; do sleep 1; done)
runs indefinitely, occasionally resetting the connection (when command "three" has been sent).

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