C++ 模板 - LinkedList

C++ Templates - LinkedList(C++ 模板 - LinkedList)

本文介绍了C++ 模板 - LinkedList的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


编辑 - 在下面回答,错过了尖括号.谢谢大家.

EDIT -- Answered below, missed the angled braces. Thanks all.


I have been attempting to write a rudimentary singly linked list, which I can use in other programs. I wish it to be able to work with built-in and user defined types, meaning it must be templated.

因此,我的节点也必须被模板化,因为我不知道它要存储的信息.我写了一个节点类如下 -

Due to this my node must also be templated, as I do not know the information it is going to store. I have written a node class as follows -

template <class T> class Node
    T data; //the object information
    Node* next; //pointer to the next node element

    //Methods omitted for brevity

我的链表类是在单独的类中实现的,在链表末尾添加新节点时需要实例化一个节点.我已按如下方式实施 -

My linked list class is implemented in a seperate class, and needs to instantiate a node when adding new nodes to the end of the list. I have implemented this as follows -

#include <iostream>
#include "Node.h"
using namespace std;

template <class T> class CustomLinkedList
    Node<T> *head, *tail;


        head = NULL;
        tail = NULL;



    //Method adds info to the end of the list
    void add(T info)
        if(head == NULL) //if our list is currently empty
            head = new Node<T>; //Create new node of type T
            tail = head;
        else //if not empty add to the end and move the tail
            Node* temp = new Node<T>;
            tail = tail->getNext();

    //print method omitted

我已经设置了一个驱动程序/测试类如下 -

I have set up a driver/test class as follows -

#include "CustomLinkedList.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    CustomLinkedList<int> firstList;

    //Pause the program until input is received
    int i;
    cin >> i;

    return 0;

我在编译时遇到错误 - 错误 C2955:'节点':使用类模板需要模板参数列表 - 这将我指向我的添加方法中的以下代码行 -

I get an error upon compilation however - error C2955: 'Node' : use of class template requires template argument list - which points me to the following line of code in my add method -

Node* temp = new Node<T>;

我不明白为什么这没有关于类型的信息,因为它在我的驱动程序类中创建时被传递到链表.我应该怎么做才能将类型信息传递给 Node?

I do not understand why this has no information about the type, since it was passed to linked list when created in my driver class. What should I be doing to pass the type information to Node?


Should I create a private node struct instead of a seperate class, and combine the methods of both classes in one file? I'm not certain this would overcome the problem, but I think it might. I would rather have seperate classes if possible though.




Node<T>* temp = new Node<T>;

此外,要获得有关如何设计列表的提示,您当然可以查看 std::list,尽管它有时会令人生畏.

Also, to get hints on how to design the list, you can of course look at std::list, although it can be a bit daunting at times.

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