使用 nullptr 有什么好处?

What are the advantages of using nullptr?(使用 nullptr 有什么好处?)

本文介绍了使用 nullptr 有什么好处?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



This piece of code conceptually does the same thing for the three pointers (safe pointer initialization):

int* p1 = nullptr;
int* p2 = NULL;
int* p3 = 0;

那么,分配指针 nullptr 与分配值 NULL0 相比有什么优势?

And so, what are the advantages of assigning pointers nullptr over assigning them the values NULL or 0?



In that code, there doesn't seem to be an advantage. But consider the following overloaded functions:

void f(char const *ptr);
void f(int v);

f(NULL);  //which function will be called?

会调用哪个函数?当然,这里的意图是调用f(char const *),但实际上会调用f(int)!这是个大问题1,不是吗?

Which function will be called? Of course, the intention here is to call f(char const *), but in reality f(int) will be called! That is a big problem1, isn't it?


So, the solution to such problems is to use nullptr:

f(nullptr); //first function is called


当然,这不是 nullptr 的唯一优势.这是另一个:

Of course, that is not the only advantage of nullptr. Here is another:

template<typename T, T *ptr>
struct something{};                     //primary template

struct something<nullptr_t, nullptr>{};  //partial specialization for nullptr


Since in template, the type of nullptr is deduced as nullptr_t, so you can write this:

template<typename T>
void f(T *ptr);   //function to handle non-nullptr argument

void f(nullptr_t); //an overload to handle nullptr argument!!!


1.在C++中,NULL被定义为#define NULL 0,所以基本上是int,这就是为什么f(int) 被调用.

1. In C++, NULL is defined as #define NULL 0, so it is basically int, that is why f(int) is called.

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本文标题为:使用 nullptr 有什么好处?