如何将整个流读入 std::string?

How to read entire stream into a std::string?(如何将整个流读入 std::string?)

本文介绍了如何将整个流读入 std::string?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm trying to read an entire stream (multiple lines) into a string.


I'm using this code, and it works, but it's offending my sense of style... Surely there's an easier way? Maybe using stringstreams?

void Obj::loadFromStream(std::istream & stream)
  std::string s;

  std::streampos p = stream.tellg();  // remember where we are

  stream.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end); // go to the end
  std::streamoff sz = stream.tellg() - p;  // work out the size
  stream.seekg(p);        // restore the position

  s.resize(sz);          // resize the string
  stream.read(&s[0], sz);  // and finally, read in the data.

<小时>实际上,对字符串的 const 引用也可以,这可能会使事情变得更容易...

Actually, a const reference to a string would do as well, and that may make things easier...

const std::string &s(... a miracle occurs here...)



std::istreambuf_iterator<char> eos;
std::string s(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream), eos);

(如果不是 MVP 可能是单线)

(could be a one-liner if not for MVP)

2011 年之后的编辑,这种方法现在拼写

post-2011 edit, this approach is now spelled

std::string s(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream), {});

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本文标题为:如何将整个流读入 std::string?