what are the fast algorithms to find duplicate elements in a collection and group them?(在集合中查找重复元素并将它们分组的快速算法是什么?)
假设您有一组元素,您如何挑选出重复的元素并将它们放入每个组中以最少的比较?最好用 C++,但算法比语言更重要.例如给定 {E1,E2,E3,E4,E4,E2,E6,E4,E3},我想提取 {E2,E2}, {E3,E3}, {E4,E4,E4}.你会选择什么数据结构和算法?还请包括设置数据结构的成本,例如,如果它是像 std::multimap 这样的预排序结构
Say you have a collection of elements, how can you pick out those with duplicates and put them into each group with least amount of comparison? preferably in C++, but algorithm is more important than the language. For Example given {E1,E2,E3,E4,E4,E2,E6,E4,E3}, I wish to extract out {E2,E2}, {E3,E3}, {E4,E4,E4}. what data structure and algorithm you will choose? Please also include the cost of setting up the data structure, say, if it's a pre-sorted one like std::multimap
To make things clearer as suggested. there's one constraint: the elements must be compared by themselves to be certain they are duplicates.
So hashes do not apply, because virtually they shift the comparison to from heavy elements(e.g. chunks of data) to light elements(integers), and reduce some comparison, but not do away with them, and in the end, we are back to our original problem, when are inside one collision bucket.
假设您有一堆潜在的 GB 重复文件,它们具有人类所知道的每种哈希算法相同的哈希值.现在您将发现真正的重复项.
Pretend you have a bunch of potentials duplicate files of GBs each, they bear the same hash value by every hash-algorithm human beings know. Now you are going to spot the real duplicates.
不,这不可能是现实生活中的问题(即使 MD5 也足以为现实生活中的文件生成唯一的哈希).但只是假装这样我们就可以专注于寻找涉及最少比较的数据结构+算法.
No, it can't be a real-life problem(even MD5 is enough to generate unique hash for real-life files). But just pretend so that we can focus on finding the data structure + algorithm that involves least amount of comparison.
表示成一个 STL std::list 数据结构(在这方面 1)它的元素删除比向量便宜 2)它的插入更便宜,不需要排序.)
represent into a STL std::list data structure(in that 1) its element-deletion is cheaper than, say, a vector 2) its insertion is cheaper, not requiring sort.)
pop out one element and compare it with the rest, if a duplicate is found, it's pulled out of the list. once the end of the list is reached, one group of duplication is found, if any.
repeat the above 2 steps until the list is empty.
在最好的情况下它需要 N-1,但是 (N-1)!在最坏的情况下.
It needs N-1 in the best case, but (N-1)! in the worse case.
My code using method explained above:
// algorithm to consume the std::list container,
// supports: list<path_type>,list< pair<std::string, paths_type::const_iterater>>
template<class T>
struct consume_list
groups_type operator()(list<T>& l)
// remove spurious identicals and group the rest
// algorithm:
// 1. compare the first element with the remaining elements,
// pick out all duplicated files including the first element itself.
// 2. start over again with the shrinked list
// until the list contains one or zero elements.
groups_type sub_groups;
group_type one_group;
while(l.size() > 1)
T front(l.front());
item_predicate<T> ep(front);
list<T>::iterator it = l.begin();
list<T>::iterator it_end = l.end();
while(it != it_end)
one_group.push_back(ep.extract_path(*(it))); // single it out
it = l.erase(it);
// save results
// save
// clear, memory allocation not freed
return sub_groups;
// type for item-item comparison within a stl container, e.g. std::list
template <class T>
struct item_predicate{};
// specialization for type path_type
template <>
struct item_predicate<path_type>
item_predicate(const path_type& base)/*init list*/
bool equals(const path_type& comparee)
bool result;
/* time-consuming operations here*/
return result;
const path_type& extract_path(const path_type& p)
return p;
// class members
感谢下面的回答,但是他们似乎被我的例子误导了,它是关于整数的.实际上元素是类型不可知的(不一定是整数、字符串或任何其他 POD),并且相等的谓词是自定义的,即 比较可能非常繁重.
Thanks for the answer below, however they seem to be misled by my example that it's about integers. In fact the elements are type agnostic(not necessarily integers, strings or any other PODs), and the equal predicates are self-defined, that is the comparison can be very heavy.
根据我的测试,使用 multiset 之类的预排序容器,multimap 并不是更好,因为
Using a pre-sorted container like multiset, multimap is not better according to my test, since
- 插入时的排序已经进行了比较,
- 下面的相邻发现再次进行比较,
- 这些数据结构更喜欢小于运算而不是相等运算,它们执行 2 个小于(a
- the sorting while inserting already does the comparisons,
- the following adjacent finding does comparison again,
- these data structure prefer less-than operations to equal operations, they perform 2 less-than(a
I do not see how it can save comparisons.
one more thing that's ignored by some answers below, I need to differentiate the duplicate groups from one another, not just keep them in the container.
After all the discussion, there seem to be 3 ways
- 我原来的天真方法如上所述
- 从像
这样的线性容器开始,对其进行排序,然后找到相等的范围 - 从像
std::map<Type, vector
这样的关联容器开始,按照 Charles Bailey 的建议在关联容器的设置过程中挑选出重复项.
- my original naive method as explained above
- Start with a linear container like
, sort it and then locate the equal ranges - start with an associated container like
std::map<Type, vector<duplicates>>
, pick out the duplicates during the setup of associated container as suggested by Charles Bailey.
I've coded a sample to test all the methods as posted below.
the number of duplicates and when they are distributed may influence the best choice.
- 方法 1 最好是在前面重重摔倒,最后最差.排序不会改变分布,但会改变字节序.
- 方法 3 的性能最平均
- 方法 2 绝不是最佳选择
以下代码的一个输出,包含 20 个示例项目.
one output with 20 sample items from the code below.
使用 [ 20 10 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 进行测试1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ]
Test with [ 20 10 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ]
和 [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 34 5 6 10 20 ] 分别
and [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 ] respectively
使用 std::vector -> sort() ->相邻查找():
using std::vector -> sort() -> adjacent_find():
比较:['<'= 139,'==' = 23]
comparisons: [ '<' = 139, '==' = 23 ]
比较:['<'= 38, '==' = 23 ]
comparisons: [ '<' = 38, '==' = 23 ]
使用 std::list -> sort() -> 收缩列表:
using std::list -> sort() -> shrink list:
比较:['<'= 50, '==' = 43 ]
comparisons: [ '<' = 50, '==' = 43 ]
比较:['<'= 52, '==' = 43 ]
comparisons: [ '<' = 52, '==' = 43 ]
使用 std::list -> 缩小列表:
using std::list -> shrink list:
比较:['<'= 0, '==' = 121 ]
comparisons: [ '<' = 0, '==' = 121 ]
比较:['<'= 0, '==' = 43 ]
comparisons: [ '<' = 0, '==' = 43 ]
使用 std::vector -> std::map>:
using std::vector -> std::map>:
比较:['<'= 79, '==' = 0 ]
comparisons: [ '<' = 79, '==' = 0 ]
比较:['<'= 53, '==' = 0 ]
comparisons: [ '<' = 53, '==' = 0 ]
使用 std::vector ->std::multiset ->相邻查找():
using std::vector -> std::multiset -> adjacent_find():
比较:['<'= 79, '==' = 7 ]
comparisons: [ '<' = 79, '==' = 7 ]
比较:['<'= 53, '==' = 7 ]
comparisons: [ '<' = 53, '==' = 7 ]
// compile with VC++10: cl.exe /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
using namespace std;
struct Type
Type(int i) : m_i(i){}
bool operator<(const Type& t) const
return m_i < t.m_i;
bool operator==(const Type& t) const
return m_i == t.m_i;
static void log(const string& operation)
<< "comparison during " <<operation << ": [ "
<< "'<' = " << number_less_than_comparison
<< ", "
<< "'==' = " << number_equal_comparison
<< " ]
int to_int() const
return m_i;
static void reset()
number_less_than_comparison = 0;
number_equal_comparison = 0;
static size_t number_less_than_comparison;
static size_t number_equal_comparison;
int m_i;
size_t Type::number_less_than_comparison = 0;
size_t Type::number_equal_comparison = 0;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Type& t)
os << t.to_int();
return os;
template< class Container >
struct Test
void recursive_run(size_t n)
bool reserve_order = false;
for(size_t i = 48; i < n; ++i)
void run(size_t i)
cout <<
Test %1% sample elements
using method%2%:
% i
% Description();
void print_me(const string& when)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << when <<" = [ ";
BOOST_FOREACH(const Container::value_type& v, m_container)
ss << v << " ";
ss << "]
cout << ss.str();
void generate_sample(size_t n)
for(size_t i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
print_me("init value");
void generate_reverse_sample(size_t n)
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
print_me("init value(reverse order)");
void sort()
print_me("after sort");
void locate()
Type::log("locate duplicate");
virtual string Description() = 0;
virtual void sort_it() = 0;
virtual void locate_duplicates() = 0;
Container m_container;
struct Vector : Test<vector<Type> >
string Description()
return "std::vector<Type> -> sort() -> adjacent_find()";
void sort_it()
std::sort(m_container.begin(), m_container.end());
void locate_duplicates()
using std::adjacent_find;
typedef vector<Type>::iterator ITR;
typedef vector<Type>::value_type VALUE;
typedef boost::tuple<VALUE, ITR, ITR> TUPLE;
typedef vector<TUPLE> V_TUPLE;
V_TUPLE results;
ITR itr_begin(m_container.begin());
ITR itr_end(m_container.end());
ITR itr(m_container.begin());
ITR itr_range_begin(m_container.begin());
while(itr_begin != itr_end)
// find the start of one equal reange
itr = adjacent_find(
[] (VALUE& v1, VALUE& v2)
return v1 == v2;
if(itr_end == itr) break; // end of container
// find the end of one equal reange
VALUE start = *itr;
while(itr != itr_end)
if(!(*itr == start)) break;
results.push_back(TUPLE(start, itr_range_begin, itr));
// prepare for next iteration
itr_begin = itr;
struct List : Test<list<Type> >
List(bool sorted) : m_sorted(sorted){}
string Description()
return m_sorted ? "std::list -> sort() -> shrink list" : "std::list -> shrink list";
void sort_it()
if(m_sorted) m_container.sort();////std::sort(m_container.begin(), m_container.end());
void locate_duplicates()
typedef list<Type>::value_type VALUE;
typedef list<Type>::iterator ITR;
typedef vector<VALUE> GROUP;
typedef vector<GROUP> GROUPS;
GROUPS sub_groups;
GROUP one_group;
while(m_container.size() > 1)
VALUE front(m_container.front());
ITR it = m_container.begin();
ITR it_end = m_container.end();
while(it != it_end)
if(front == (*it))
one_group.push_back(*it); // single it out
it = m_container.erase(it); // shrink list by one
// save results
// save
// clear, memory allocation not freed
bool m_sorted;
struct Map : Test<vector<Type>>
string Description()
return "std::vector -> std::map<Type, vector<Type>>" ;
void sort_it() {}
void locate_duplicates()
typedef map<Type, vector<Type> > MAP;
typedef MAP::iterator ITR;
MAP local_map;
BOOST_FOREACH(const vector<Type>::value_type& v, m_container)
pair<ITR, bool> mit;
mit = local_map.insert(make_pair(v, vector<Type>(1, v)));
if(!mit.second) (mit.first->second).push_back(v);
ITR itr(local_map.begin());
while(itr != local_map.end())
if(itr->second.empty()) local_map.erase(itr);
struct Multiset : Test<vector<Type>>
string Description()
return "std::vector -> std::multiset<Type> -> adjacent_find()" ;
void sort_it() {}
void locate_duplicates()
using std::adjacent_find;
typedef set<Type> SET;
typedef SET::iterator ITR;
typedef SET::value_type VALUE;
typedef boost::tuple<VALUE, ITR, ITR> TUPLE;
typedef vector<TUPLE> V_TUPLE;
V_TUPLE results;
SET local_set;
BOOST_FOREACH(const vector<Type>::value_type& v, m_container)
ITR itr_begin(local_set.begin());
ITR itr_end(local_set.end());
ITR itr(local_set.begin());
ITR itr_range_begin(local_set.begin());
while(itr_begin != itr_end)
// find the start of one equal reange
itr = adjacent_find(
[] (VALUE& v1, VALUE& v2)
return v1 == v2;
if(itr_end == itr) break; // end of container
// find the end of one equal reange
VALUE start = *itr;
while(itr != itr_end)
if(!(*itr == start)) break;
results.push_back(TUPLE(start, itr_range_begin, itr));
// prepare for next iteration
itr_begin = itr;
int main()
size_t N = 20;
You could use a map from a representative element to a list/vector/deque of other elements. This requires relatively fewer comparisons in insertion into the container and means that you can iterate through the resulting groups without having to perform any comparisons.
这个例子总是将第一个代表元素插入到映射的双端队列存储中,因为它使得通过组的后续迭代在逻辑上很简单,但是如果这种重复证明有问题,那么只执行 push_back代码> 仅
if (!ins_pair.second)
This example always inserts the first representative element into the mapped deque storage as it makes the subsequent iteration through the group logically simple, but if this duplication proves a problem then it would be easy to only perform the push_back
only if (!ins_pair.second)
typedef std::map<Type, std::deque<Type> > Storage;
void Insert(Storage& s, const Type& t)
std::pair<Storage::iterator, bool> ins_pair( s.insert(std::make_pair(t, std::deque<Type>())) );
Iterating through the groups is then (relatively) simple and cheap:
void Iterate(const Storage& s)
for (Storage::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i)
for (std::deque<Type>::const_iterator j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j)
// do something with *j
我进行了一些比较和对象计数的实验.在对 100000 个对象以随机顺序形成 50000 个组(即每组平均 2 个对象)的测试中,上述方法花费了以下数量的比较和副本:
I performed some experiments for comparison and object counts. In a test with 100000 objects in random order forming 50000 groups (i.e. and average of 2 objects per group) the above method cost the following number of comparisons and copies:
1630674 comparisons, 443290 copies
(I tried bringing the number of copies down, but only really managed to at the expense of comparisons which seem to be the higher cost operation in your scenario.)
Using a multimap, and retaining the previous element in the final iteration to detect the group transitions cost this:
1756208 comparisons, 100000 copies
Using a single list and popping the front element and performing a linear search for other group members cost:
1885879088 comparisons, 100000 copies
是的,与我的最佳方法相比,这是 ~1.9b 比较与 ~1.6m 比较.为了让 list 方法在接近最佳比较次数的任何地方执行,它必须进行排序,这将花费与构建固有有序容器相似的比较次数.
Yes, that's ~1.9b comparisons compared to ~1.6m for my best method. To get the list method to perform anywhere near an optimal number of comparisons it would have to be sorted and this is going to cost a similar number of comparisons as building an inherently ordered container would in the first place.
I took your posted code and ran the implied algorithm (I had to make some assumptions about the code as there as some assumed definitions) over the same test data set as I used before and I counted:
1885879088 comparisons, 420939 copies
即与我的哑列表算法完全相同的比较次数,但有更多的副本.我认为这意味着我们在这种情况下使用基本相似的算法.我看不到任何替代排序顺序的证据,但看起来您想要一个包含多个等效元素的组列表.这可以通过添加 if (i->size > 1)
子句在我的 Iterate
i.e. exactly the same number of comparisons as my dumb list algorithm, but with more copies. I think that that means we using essentially similar algorithms for this case. I can't see any evidence of an alternative sort order, but it looks like you want a list of the groups which contain more than one equivalent elements. This can be simply achieved in my Iterate
function by adding in if (i->size > 1)
我仍然看不到任何证据表明构建排序容器(例如这种 deques 映射)不是一个好的(即使不是最优的)策略.
I still can't see any evidence that building a sorted container such as this map of deques isn't a good (even if not optimal) strategy.
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