可执行文件是否可以要求管理员权限?(Windows 7的

Is it possible for the executable to ask for Administrator rights? (Windows 7)(可执行文件是否可以要求管理员权限?(Windows 7的))

本文介绍了可执行文件是否可以要求管理员权限?(Windows 7的)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am developing a partition disk program, and for me to read the \\.\PhysicalDrive0 I need admin rights.

我想知道程序是否有可能在运行时获得管理员权限?有没有win api?

I am wondering if it is possible, in the run time, for the program to gain admin rights? Is there any win api for that?

我想这样做是因为我希望程序仅在读取/写入磁盘时以管理员权限执行.出于安全原因,我不希望该程序始终以管理员权限执行,因为有人可能会在某个模块中发现错误(例如堆栈或堆溢出)并以 adm 身份执行任意命令.

I want to do that because I want the program to execute with admin rights only when it is reading/writing the disk. For security reasons, I don't want the program to execute all the time with admin rights, because someone could find a bug (stack or heap overflow for example) in some module and execute arbitrary commands as adm.



You cannot acquire elevated privileges after the process has started. Your options are:

  1. 将需要提升权限的应用程序部分放入一个单独的进程中,并使用 requireAdministrator 进行说明.
  2. 将需要提升权限的应用程序部分作为进程外 COM 对象运行.

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本文标题为:可执行文件是否可以要求管理员权限?(Windows 7的